Men’s Ministry

Sometimes being the kind of man we want to be (and that God wants us to be) can be really tough. It’s easy to feel isolated or disconnected, from our spouse, kids or co-workers.

The Men’s Ministry at Community wants to be a place where you can connect with other guys, be encouraged and challenged, and maybe make some new friends. If there’s an area of your life in which you are struggling or one where you want to improve, know that you’re not alone — there are other men who want to help each other grow, as iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens another.

What Do We Do?

We have events to help us connect, (such as the Men’s Fishing Trip Weekend, Dude’s Float Trip, etc.) Men’s Bible Studies and Breakfast Fellowships, to help us grow, and plenty of service opportunities that let us use our gifts to serve others — and have a lot of fun in the process! Come get plugged into Community Men’s Ministry.  Check out the page regularly to see what is coming up next.