Student Ministry

Mission Statement:

The Student Ministry of Community Baptist Church exists to lead its students into a journey of faith, prepare them for lifelong discipleship, and inspire them to carry the love of Christ into their community and the world.


These are the ideal characteristics that we seek to develop in students in the CBC Student Ministry


  • Develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through repentance of sin and submission to His will for their lives.

  • Come to understand that God is real and actively involved in their lives.

  • Develop a biblical understanding of how God works and is speaking to their life.

  • Come to understand God’s purpose for their life and how that impacts them on a personal basis.

  • Understand the eternal security that comes as a result of their faith in Christ.


  • Come to a working knowledge of Scripture and having it bring change to their lives.

  • Develop a continual pattern of study and reflection upon God’s Word.

  • Understand and develop a theology based upon God’s Word.

  • Know how the church functions with its goals and purpose.

  • Develop a standard of moral purity for their lives.


  • Be able to effectively present the Gospel to their neighbors.

  • Live a lifestyle that promotes the change brought about in their lives by Christ.

  • Be on mission and intentionally seek to spread the Gospel throughout the world.

  • Faithfully serve in the ministry of the church.